Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada: Your Pathway to Employment.

Students’ prime purpose in studying abroad is to get a high-quality education, professional work experience, and exposure to the world. Furthermore, every student wants to enhance their skills to excel in their career in the future. However, Canada is a country where you will get all these opportunities. For instance, you will get a three-year post-study work permit after completion of your degree to gain professional experience and enhance your skills. This is one of the top reasons that you should apply to study in Canada from Pakistan. However, the conditions for obtaining a post-study work permit have been changed. Here are the Canadian study visa requirements that you should fulfill before applying for your post-graduation work permit.

Must complete the degree from the Canadian DLI.

To get a post-study work permit in Canada you must complete a degree from a designated learning institute. Your degree should be at least 8 months in duration and lead to any diploma, degree, or certification.

Your Program should be eligible for PSW.

Studying in a Canadian designated learning institute DLI is not just enough. For instance, not all study programs are eligible for post-study work permits, but there are specific programs through which you can only apply for PSW.

Valid study permit.

You must have a valid study permit at the time of post-study work permit application. Moreover, your status should be as a full-time student throughout your degree.

Post-study work permit duration.

Post-study work permit duration depends on your degree duration. If you have completed a 1 or 2-year degree you will most probably get a three-year post-graduate work permit. Additionally, you can apply for Canadian PR under the Canadian experience class.

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